  • tiara-C Research Grants

  • Research Grants
  • International grants
  • — Research grant, program: European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST - MPNS Action MP0903, titlu: NANOALLOY - Nanoalloys as Advanced Materials: From Structure to Properties and Applications; beneficiary: European Commission; coordinator: University of Genova, Italy; member of the Management Committee for Romanian partner - prof Gingu, O., funding course: 2010-2013 (
  • — 7th Frame Program - FP 7 218362-2008, Platform for the implementation of NAIADES, acronym PLATINA, beneficiary: European Comission, project coordonator: Via Donau - Osterreichische Wasserstra en-Gesellschaft mbH, Austria, partner University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems,,3,6, Gingu, O., Ghiba M., Mangra M., Ciupitu, I., Benga, G., members of research team
  • — Research grant no. RO-4096/1996, beneficiary World Bank; project coordinator: prof. Orban R.L., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Romania; title: High performing new materials processed by powder metallurgy technology; funding course: 1996, Gingu, O., member of research team;
  • National grants
  • — PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2094; coordinator: University of Craiova, Romania / Prof. Gingu O.; title: Research of the bone substitution with biocomposite materials processed by powder metallurgy specific techniques, acronym BONY (2014-2016)
  • — Research grant EXCELENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) no. 85/2006, beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania through prof. Mangra, M.; title: Knowledge development on the elaboration and microprocessing of the nanostructured materials for MEMS components by powder metallurgy technology; acronym: PRONANOMAT; funding course: 2006-2008
  • — Research grant EXCELENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) no. 94/2006, beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator: Institute of Chemics-Physics "I.G. Murgulescu", Bucharest, Romania; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin; partnership coordinator: prof. Mangra, M.; title : The influence of the composition and the structure on the thermodynamical, electrical and magnetic properties of the micro- and nanostructured oxidic materials with special magnetorezistive properties; acronym : CMR-TEM ; funding course: 2006-2008
  • — Research grant EXCELENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) no. 266/2006, beneficiary : Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator : Institute of Welding and Materials Testing, ISIM, Timisoara, Romania; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin ; partnership coordinator: prof. Mangra, M.; title: Multifunctional microlayers for Ti-alloys covering by advanced technologies; acronym: MICROFUNCTIA; funding course: 2006-2008
  • — Research grant EXCELENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) no. 40/2005, beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research; coordinator : Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) through the Research Centre CEMS; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania; partnership coordinator: prof. Mangra, M.; title : Biocompatible nanostructured materials for medical devices; acronym: NANOBIOMED; funding course: 2005-2008
  • — Research grant INVENT, beneficiary: INMA; coordinator: I.C.P.E. - C.A., Bucharest, Romania; partner: University of Craiova, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania ; partnership coordinator : prof. Mangra, M.; title: Sintered magnets based on Nd-Fe-B alloys with high thermal stability; acronym: MAGSTAB; funding course: 2005-2006
  • — Research grant, code 108/2005, beneficiary National University Research Center N.U.R.C. (C.N.C.S.I.S.); project coordinator: prof. Mangra, M.; title: Research on sintered carbon steels processing from mixtures with Fe powders and Fe3C nanopowder particles; funding course: 2005
  • — Research Grant no. 289/2008, type PN II, beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research, grant coordinator: prof. dr. eng. Bizdoaca Nicu George, title: Reverse engineering in the cognitive modelling and the control of biomimetic structures, funding course: 2008 - 2010; Coman, D., member of research team
  • — Research Grant EXCELENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) no. 259/2006, beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research, grant coordinator: prof. dr. eng. Mircea Ivanescu, title: Control and technological integration of the smart materials and structures, funding course: 2006 - 2008; Coman, D., member of research team
  • — Research grant EXCELENCE RESEARCH (CEEX) no. 131/2006, beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research, grant coordinator: conf. dr. ing. Lucian Gruionu; title: Long term improvement of life quality for patients with arthroplasty through prosthesis functionality extension, funding course : 2006-2008; Coman, D., member of research team
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